About Hardwood Flooring

The traditional wood flooring, hardwood floors are made of wood through and through providing excellent insulation and adding strength to your home's structure. Hardwood floors come pre-finished or unfinished, in a wide variety of species. Hardwood floors come in three construction methods: solid, engineered and parquet.
                                                                Concrete Floors
It has become the new material of choice for designers and homeowners across the United States. Concrete floors in stained, colored, painted, and personalized glory are popping up all over, trendy restaurants, offices, and homes everywhere. Staining concrete floors offers numerous options for interior rooms including nearly limitless designs, colors, and even health benefits.

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One of the most common places you'll see decorative concrete these days is under your feet. Whether it's acid-stained, painted, overlays, radiant floors, or a unique personal floor, concrete floors offer a range unlike any other material. Concrete flooring, sometimes referred to as cement flooring, no longer has to be gray and boring. Now coloring concrete, or applying textures, patterns, saw cuts, etc., can bring new life to this traditional substrate. Concrete can be so uniquely designed or so naturally colored that it blends seamlessly with other elements in a room--oftentimes, you don't even realize it's a concrete floor you're standing on!

Concrete, slate, stain, overlays, Spanish tiles, and Arizona flagstone. It's just amazing what technology has done. 

Many are welcoming, embracing, and anxiously pursuing concrete floors for their own home projects.
All it typically takes is one look whether it's in a magazine, on a home tour, a television show, or in someone's home and you're hooked.

                                      It enhances the integrity of architect's designs.
They are easy to maintain.
It's easy to change, especially if you sell your home; the next owner can place carpet or wood on top of the concrete slab.
                                 They are great in regions with a lot of sand or snow.
                          They are a good alternative to carpet if you have allergies.